As members of the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA), we are asking you to step up and take action now to protect America's waterways.

In late December 2022, the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers issued a rule creating strong protections for America's waterways.
But now, many members of Congress are pushing to overturn that rule. Let your members of Congress know that the December rule is a common-sense measure to protect water quality and that we won’t stand for this attack on the Clean Water Act.

The environment is everyone's issue and we believe America needs smart solutions good for the environment and the economy. Relying on our unique blend of community-based conservation and common-sense advocacy, IWLA has made significant progress to protect and restore our nation's waters, promote clean energy, & advance sustainable agriculture.
Throughout more than 230 communities, our chapters advance the mission of the IWLA by restoring watersheds, reducing air pollution, fighting litter, protecting wildlife habitat and open spaces, and instilling conservation ethics in outdoor recreation. Our commitment to communities has allowed us to endure for almost a century. Our optimism, our spirit, and our vision for a better outdoor America guide our work.